Archive for January, 2011
HIGH power taxi test
Well, for the first time I let my A37 go all out. 98-100% power on a taxi test at KTMB. Short-term full throttle due to the fact the plane accelerates so quickly to flying speed.
Had my son along to monitor gauges and speed. I think I could see his smile through the mask 10 minutes after we came back to the hangar and shut down. He was grinning from ear to ear.
No surges, no fluctuation, no problems. Very smooth. Power response was perfect and aligned. And with a 1 to 1 thrust to weight ratio, I pretty much felt what so many others have written about. This bird is going to be a dream to fly.
Ground handling was straight and true. Taxi on one engine saved fuel, noise, and money. Only slight constant foot on the steering to keep ‘er straight. Used much less brakes ($$).
Acceleration was VERY quick! From zero to 90 kts. in about 6 seconds. She wanted to fly. But I had no flaps on her so she sat on her legs properly. Any flaps and she would have gone airborne.
Tower had good things to say about the new bird on the field. “She looks real good out there”. Kinda made me feel good too.