Archive for November, 2011

If it’s not one thing, it’s another!

Holy Crapola! Do you think anyone could find more ways to NOT fly an airplane?

The test pilot wanted the fuel system and throttles checked, and now it’s done. But we broke the left throttle cable putting it back together, and it took 4-5 months to get a new one in and working.  In the process, we found what went wrong. Turns out that there are jam nuts on the threaded ends of the cable. But when you tighten them into position, the front nut under the center console will have a tendency to turn the cable too as it tightens. This causes a twist in the cable making it subject to breaking. Unfortunately, the WARNING that is in the book is NOT in the same area as the cable installation–it’s further into the book.  Too late.

I’ve had some business and personal traveling lately and it took time away from the bird.  With cable in, I got the interior back together (a big job), the seats in, and closed up.  Only issue is that dang-nabbed hydraulic leak in the nose gear.

So, the steering cylinder was leaking enough to warrant me taking it out and rebuilding the system.  To take out the cylinder you must take out the nose gear entirely.  UGH!!  I had to make a special tool to dismantle the cylinder which took a couple of days.  And, then it was time to take apart the cylinder.  It’s a complicated multi-shaft, multi port system.  One shaft had a pitted end.  Its out now and somehow I have to rebuild it.

Nose gear out to remove steering cylinder


Steering Centering Shaft with pitting

I’m thinking of using the HVOF system to build up the shaft then lap it down in the lathe.  This may take a couple of weeks to get someone to do the metalizing of the shaft. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Sorry for the delays. I am anxious to fly.

Tailwinds all.