About N87921
Dragonfly 68-7921, Dragon 921, was built in 1968 in Whichita, KS in the Cessna factory that was building the T-37 trainers. 921 belonged to the first production batch of A37s that were not modified versions of the T-37s. The A37B was to replace the A-1D Skyraider that was being lost in combat at an alarming rate. The first production aircraft were sold, not loaned, to Vietnam. Its destination: Da Nang, Republic of South Viet Nam.
921 was assigned to the 41 Tactical Fighter Group, the 516th squadron of the VNAF. Known as the Fighting Tigers, the “Phi Ho” squadron became one of the best known and accurate attack squadrons in Viet Nam.
921 flew with the 516th squadron its entire career. The A37 was truly admired by its pilots and ground crews during the Viet Nam conflict.
Dragon 921 found its way to Australia because of the normalization of relations with Viet Nam. Purchased by a savager in Sydney, several Dragonflies were disassembled and boxed up and sent to Australia. President William J. Clinton, by Presidential Order, released all claim and ownership rights to all equipment left behind in Viet Nam when the US ended its role there. This allowed this aircraft to be sold to a US buyer for restoration to flight status once again. This time in private hands and for non-lethal use.